
My Future Classroom

In Uncategorized on November 30, 2008 by alannapollock

When I first decided I wanted to be a teacher way back when I was little I will admit that I figured I would be teaching the exact same why my teachers were teaching me. I figured I would be teaching on a chalkboard with a bunch of handouts and desks all in a row. After starting university however, I am able to see that our world is changing rather fast and by the time I am actually teaching in my own classroom things will be completely different than they are right now. I know that my future classroom will hopefully consist of multiple computers that will be available to the students. I know that I want to have apage for the students to blog on in my classroom, but the thing is that I don’t want to make blogging an extensively large part of my classroom, because I feel for the students that don’t actually have a computer at home, and can’t spend massive amounts of time working on their blog page or commenting on other peoples stuff. I know that in my classroom the desks will not be in straight rows, but in small groups or angle rows so that everyone can look at each other and engage in a conversation whenever it is necessary. My classroom will also consist of many pictures and posters for the visual learners, movement activities for the students that prefer to be hands on etc. I know that I will be reaching out to all the different types of students no matter what.

After watching a video on gaming in Education I now also am able to see how important games can be in a child’s education. Games and videos are able to teach children in different ways instead of the normal stand at the front of the room and teach a lesson. I know that games and videos on the Internet will not be able to help every student, but I know that they can help certain ones, and the students that prefer not to use these methods there will be alternative methods brought into the class.

After doing my EPS 100 fieldwork and spending some time watching the teacher teach math, the subject I want to teach, I am now able to know types of things I want to incorporate into my classroom. The teacher used things like number lines, integer chips, and fraction circles. i think these types of additions allow the students to see things a lot more clearly and they will be able to possibly achieve more.

Another thing I want to have in my classroom is a smart-board, or I at least want access to one. I haven’t spent that much time on one, but the little time I have learned about them I have been able to see just how useful they are. There are games, and they enable students to get involved in a way they aren’t really used to. I know that not every teacher is able to have a smart-board, but I hope that I will be one of the lucky ones, and I look forward to learning how to use it alongside my future students.

This is a start to what I want my future classroom to have, but as you can see there isn’t much there. This is because right now I’m not to sure what I want it to include. I always have known that I wanted to become a teacher someday, but I never put much thought into what i want my classroom to look like. I know that by the time I will teach I will have a lot of ideas in my head, but I know it will take a lot of time and work in order to implement them all into the classroom. It’s just one of the joy’s of being a teacher I guess. I’m going to cherish every minute I spend developing my classroom.

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